Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So far, i love it so much

Halu halu..

Dah dua hari keje, I love that place.They are all friendly and nice people. Masuk2 je trus dah dapat job allocation until May. So start smalam until next Friday I'm gonna be at client's place. Alhamdulillah, my team member is very helpful to somebody noob like me... Thanks Mr S sebab sudi la dok tolong ajar saya and bersabar dengan kelembapan saya. Haha, rasa segan sangat ngan dia sebab sangat lembab. I went there with his car so dalam hati dalam kereta nanti cakap la kat dia sorry lembab sket hari ni.. tapi x de nyerrr. Takut giler nak cakap. Bila dah sampai ofis baru berani cakap

Me: Mr. S, Thank you tolong ajar macam2 hari ni. Mintak maaf ye hari ni macam slow sikit. Esok I will try to be faster k *grin*

Mr S: Biasalah tu first day memangslalunya slow sikit. Nanti ok la tu *smile*

Ok, tengok dia senyum tu pun aku dah happy gila k. Sebab Mr.S ni serius. Dia banyak keje hence the seriousness. So, sometimes I was thinking whether he was angry with me ke apa kan tengok muka dia serious, tapi Alhamdulillah dia baik je sebenarnya. Overall, I love the place and my current team member. For the next assignment I wish my the team will be as friendly as this one.


  1. ni entri bulan lepas camna kena buli tak? ;p

  2. Haha, Mr S ni je suka buli aku bwat mcm2.. tapi aku soookka sebab boleh belajar mcm2 kan (baik x aku).. aku lagi suka kena buli bwat keje byk2 dr kena buli kena marah truk2

  3. takpe...baru2 lagi kan...jgn susah hati ok :)


Cakap cakap~~