24 tahun yang penuh dengan suka dan duka. Whatever it is, I am so thankful for everything He has given to me. I always believe everything happens for a reason. So, even the worst situation happened to you, there will be always something behind it.
Aiceh, sebelum ni, kalau post birthday je mesti happy2 kan? Tapi kali ni kenapa cam serious je kan. Hari birthday tu memang happy je memanjang. Saya amek cuti on that day, pastu dapat hadiah yang best, pastu ada orang best plak teman saya. Happppyy la kan. Tapi, start hari ni cam sedih sikit. Bukan la sedih sebenarnya, tetapi mcm risau pun ada. Haha.
It is all because the promise that I had made to myself on my birthday last year. I promise to myself that I will give myself just another one year to fool around before getting serious into realizing my dream and getting into real commitment. And the time has come. It has been one year, so Leen, you better keep your promise. What is my dream? What is the commitment? Think it's better for me to keep it to myself.
*tetibe aku perasan, pebenda ni satu paragraph melayu, satu paragraph mat saleh ni.. wargh, malas plak nak edit, korang jgn pening k*
Yang sebenarnya.. aku nak bgtau ni.. aku stresssssss... kenapa la real life ni sangat susah. Kena berdisiplin, kena simpan duit, kena jadi matured. Dah tak boleh nak hu ha hu ha, spend duit sesuka hati.. Leen, u got to face it Leen. It is the real world.....
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