Thursday, January 26, 2012


I was just having our compulsory daily phone calls. Wah, compulsory gitu. Haha, compulsary on the day we did not have chance to meet.

I thought it gonna be an ordinary one. But he said something that really touch my heart at the end of our conversation. I am really really touched. Like seriously. And my head kept thinking about it until now.

I love you. You always make me stronger than ever and this time too. I won't give up. Why should I give up when there is someone who is always keep on believing in me. You made me believe that I can do it. Thank you so much. You would not know how your words mean to me. It means a lot. And I love you for that. Keep on believing in me, and I won't disappoint you. InsyaAllah. And I always hope for your support forever and ever. :)

p/s- Thanks for reminding me I can be immature sometimes. I really need this kind of reminder to keep on with my life. Thank you so much sweetheart <3

LOL, jauh beza saiz kaki


  1. awww....swEettttt.....will pray for both of u.....semoga b'bahagia sokmo hingga akhir hayat ;)
    [ikhlas ni tau] huhu

  2. Thank you so much for the prayer eyza!! <3

  3. Haha, lasut bowling la ngek.. ko ingat kitorang beli kasut ni gi jalan2 ke??? hahahhaa


Cakap cakap~~